The Dream and the Human Promise: Deeper Acceptance and Transcendence

Let’s consider the last fifty years and progress in relation to equality, justice, and Civil Rights. Let us extensively address the impact of Dr. King and his work, and the Civil Rights Movement in influencing a formal change in laws and public policy in the United States and even internationally. History has proven that Dr. King and his message have swept the world as a ferocious thunderstorm rooted in truth and hope, and still is to this day. With that being said, The Dream is still very much alive; however, the legal and formal impact of Dr. King’s works and the Civil Rights Movement must genuinely take importance in every being. It must reach society as a whole at a much deeper level.The Dream cannot simply be a Dream anymore; it must be embraced as a Promise, The Human Promise.
The Human Promise is a means to bridge the gap between the message, truth, and hopes of Dr. King’s Dream into an ingrained way of life and co-existence within society. It is an individual’s willingness to enthusiastically respect the differences of others. It requires an earnest desire to acknowledge that everyone has the right to live and exercise their freedoms without prejudice or fear. Each of us, and as a whole, must focus on understanding one’s own personal bias and behavior that may negatively influence those around us. We must genuinely forgive personal bias, take responsibility for how we contribute to the betterment of others, support values and practices that enhance equality, justice, and fairness in every aspect of daily life. This encompasses family, education, employment, business, and government. We humans need to actively embrace the idea that patience, understanding, and respect are the foundation for a peaceful existence as members of the Human Family. Most importantly, the responsibility of this Human Promise is born within the individual and ultimately every family to ensure the reality of transcending The Dream into a certainty through a way of being and living within the Human Family.